How Can Teachers Improve English Language Learning In Elementary School?

How Can Teachers Improve English Language Learning In Elementary School? : Retno Novianti Sari, S.Pd

English is the most widely used language globally, with millions of people using it in various
aspects of life. Mostly, English language is used in educational institutions and reference books
at various levels of education. The primary language when people from different countries meet
is also English.
The Merdeka curriculum is now officially the National Curriculum. In this curricula, subjects
English at the SD/MI or elementary level will be compulsory starting in 2027/2028 academic
year. However, some elementary schools in Indonesia have been implementing English
subjects as local subjects (muatan lokal).
Studying English at school is no longer just about getting good grades but also developing
skills to face the increasing globalization challenge. Therefore, teachers must create a learning
that can improve students English language skills.

Teachers can take the following actions to improve English language learning in elementary
1. Teachers can establish a comfortable and supportive environment for their students. This
matter is expected to help students feel more confident in their ability to use language in English

so that they feel comfortable starting conversations in class. Pleasant emotions in teacher-
student interactions may contribute to a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom, supporting

students’ competence.

2. The school environment can be created by teachers to encourage the use of English in daily
life, such as creating an English Reading Corner and English Area. English Reading Corner
can be located in the library. Students can read English-language books with various titles
provided. Having a reading corner in the school provides students with a special place where
they can hold books and explore their content independently. School can also provide specific
area like the English Area in the school corridor or canteen. The English area is an area where
it is mandatory to speak English while in the area. It also provides some boards containing
phrases or sentences that are commonly used in the English language. Teachers can also
introduce materials that is useful for daily conversation, fostering interest in English at school.

3. Teachers can use various methods of interesting learning for students Teachers can also use
supportive media learning to teach English in class, allowing students to connect their
imagination and thought with the material taught. Language learning not only enriches
communication skills but also helps students exercise their imagination, think critically, and
express themselves creatively. It is crucial for teachers to design language learning experiences
that encourage students to develop their creative character and harness the creative potential
within language learning. Currently, with convenience technology, students can access
learning English apps, social media, and other learning sources that can easily found on the

Indonesian English teachers can optimize learning activities in class by developing various
methods to help students study English better. Appropriate learning media, space conducive to
class, and awareness of the material in a comfortable atmosphere can help students to develop
required skills and mastery material in English.

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